To explore the public's awareness of and support for the new Common Core State Standards and aligned common assessments Achieve commissioned a national poll in August 2011.

After 24 years in the K-12 education space, Achieve has shut its doors. Read the statement from Michael Cohen, President of Achieve here.
Our website will remain available through December 31, 2023.
Former Achieve science team members have founded the NextGenScience project at WestEd where they will continue working with educators and partners across the nation to improve the quality of science education. Please visit 免费翻国外墙的app and @NextGenScience to learn more about their work. They will continue to serve as stewards of the NGSS, sharing resources with the field through the website, NGSSNow newsletter, and @OfficialNGS.
All students should graduate from high school ready for college, careers, and citizenship.
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Ready or Not is the culminating report of the original American Diploma Project (ADP), a multi-year research project that led to the development of the ADP Benchmarks, end-of-high school expectations in mathematics and English Language Arts.
By 2008, the efforts by individual states to set college- and career-ready standards for high school graduates led to a remarkable degree of consistency in English and mathematics requirements. This “common core” – detailed in “Out of Many, One: Toward Rigorous Common Core Standards from the Ground Up” – is the byproduct of aligning standards to real-world demands.
- RT @NCTMResources: Students try to find various ways to use fraction pattern blocks & combine them to make one whole (represented by t…
- RT @nextgenscience: This analysis could include: 📈review of publicly available and internal data 📝collection and analysis of evidence…
- RT @nextgenscience: To see what this work looks like in action, check out this Partnership Spotlight with two districts in Iowa:…
- RT @educationgadfly: The past weeks have brought about many losses. Checker Finn highlights two: Abby Thernstrom, who for decades was a…
- RT @educationgadfly: The past weeks have brought about many losses. Checker Finn highlights two: Abby Thernstrom, who for decades was a…


About Achieve: 20 Years of Raising Expectations

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